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Truck Accidents

Questioning liability in a truck accident

In the aftermath of a terrible truck accident, you may wonder how you will deal with the financial repercussions. In North Carolina, the party liable for the accident is responsible for the damages incurred. Who could be liable in a truck accident? Liability in a...

Sharing the road with trucks

Many drivers may feel uncomfortable when they are in close proximity to trucks. While people cannot control the actions taken by a truck driver, they can make sure that they drive safely near these vehicles. Understanding certain details about large vehicles can help...

How healthy are long-haul truck drivers?

Truck accidents happen for a variety of reasons, including operator error and lack of vehicle maintenance. If truckers are not healthy enough to maintain control of their vehicles, though, they may also pose a risk to other drivers, passengers, pedestrians and others...

How can I drive safely around trucks?

It is important for passenger drivers to understand how best to drive around large commercial vehicles like trucks or buses. These vehicles handle very differently from passenger vehicles, and drivers should be aware of the differences. For example, trucks and buses...

How do you safely pass a truck?

Because of their massive size, semi-trucks move differently on North Carolina roadways than other vehicles. They have longer stopping distances, wider turns and bigger blind spots. Whether you drive a car or a motorcycle, you can make things safer for everyone by...